Add additional class to WordPress sub-menu item

I needed to target a particular parent menu and add an additional class to the sub-menu ul element. As WordPress builds the menu, you won’t find it in any theme files. Also, I didn’t want to add this globally as the site I was working on was responsive and I shared the same class on … Continued

Full-Width Backgrounds Using CSS Cover

More and more, I see websites with large image backgrounds that completely fill the screen size. I really like these and here’s how to achieve it simply using CSS: That’s it! Obviously you need to change the Div name and background image/path to suit but you’re good to go.

Make Newsletter checked by default in Magento

So when shopping online, you may notice that when you purchase items or register an account, most of the time you will have an option to sign up to their mailing list. By default, these are normally set to subscribe by default. Magento for some reason, won’t have this set to subscribe users by default, … Continued

Remove WordPress generator from head source

I always recommend removing the WordPress generator from the source of your head. WordPress by default will include the current version of WordPress in the header. While this can be useful for knowing what WP version you are running compared to the current version available from, it can also give hackers and bots an … Continued