Show product tiered pricing in category list in Magento

A recent client needed to bring the tiered pricing seen on the product page into their category list views. While there is a few approaches in this, the easiest method I found was to add this snippet to the desired location in /default/template/catalog/product/list.phtml

Remove Related Videos From WordPress oEmbed Youtube Videos

If you’re embedding videos into WordPress, possibly as a post, you may sometimes want to add parameters to the code to overwrite the oEmbed default behaviour of WordPress. This can be achieved by creating your own plugin or adding this snippet to your functions.php file. This example removes the related videos at the end of … Continued

Call Google’s jQuery Library in Your Template

Why use your own bandwidth when you can use Google’s own! This snippet ensures your WordPress website correctly calls the Google jQuery library direct from Google for speed, security and reliability: NB: Just make sure you use the above with… …in your header file, or wherever your wp_head scripts get called from.

Add additional class to WordPress sub-menu item

I needed to target a particular parent menu and add an additional class to the sub-menu ul element. As WordPress builds the menu, you won’t find it in any theme files. Also, I didn’t want to add this globally as the site I was working on was responsive and I shared the same class on … Continued