Set stored address as default for Shipping or Billing in Magento

A current project I’m working on with a client required to import 20k customers with address, contacts and profile data – a tricky task in itself. I managed it import this successfully, but noted that the addresses were set to Shipping and not Billing.  This meant that customers could not be searched or filtered from … Continued

Image Zoom on hover with pure CSS

Here’s a short snippet for getting a nice fancy zoom when hovering over an image using purely CSS3. Here’s an example:   and here’s the code: You simply need to add the class ‘img-zoom’ to any image’s container to get the effect.   Feel free to play about with the values in the zoom to … Continued

How to 301 Redirect from http to https after SSL installation

Once you have an SSL certificate set up onto your website and have changed all URLs that load scripts and stylesheets to run over https, it’s important to redirect your old http URL’s over to the new https.  The correct way and best for SEO is to apply a 301 redirect. To do this, you … Continued

Add new admin user in WordPress from PHPMyAdmin

Similar to another post which does the same thing in OpenCart, here’s how to add a new admin-level user to WordPress – without any access to the wp-admin area. I find this useful when I’m called in to finish off an abandoned website and have no idea what the login credentials are – I’ll simply … Continued

Register New Sidebars in WordPress

Today, I’ll show you how to register new sidebars in WordPress, which can be used to add new widgets areas for use across a website such as in custom page templates, footers and just about anywhere. It’s a 2 step process, so let’s get started on step 1. 1. Register the sidebar In either functions.php … Continued

Remove white space from Google Conversion iFrame

I noticed recently that Google’s conversion tracking code, usually found in the footer, has a set height of 13px as an iframe. This creates an annoying white space in your sites footer. When your footer is anything but white, it creates a 13px high gap underneath your footer which looks rather out of line with … Continued

Show product tiered pricing in category list in Magento

A recent client needed to bring the tiered pricing seen on the product page into their category list views. While there is a few approaches in this, the easiest method I found was to add this snippet to the desired location in /default/template/catalog/product/list.phtml

Rename WordPress database table prefix using PHPMyAdmin

For security, when I create a new WordPress installation, as standard – I will do a number of things to help protect WordPress.  One of those things is to rename the default database table prefix from the default wp_. It’s good practice to do this when starting a new WP project, but you can still … Continued