Full-Width Backgrounds Using CSS Cover

More and more, I see websites with large image backgrounds that completely fill the screen size. I really like these and here’s how to achieve it simply using CSS: That’s it! Obviously you need to change the Div name and background image/path to suit but you’re good to go.

Check WordPress Database Queries

Here’s a little snippet which I sometimes use in my footer during development. It basically checks how many db queries are made when the page loads and how long those queries took to retrieve and display. Very handy if you are performance-oriented and need to check performance of 3rd-party plugins. Once added, refresh the page … Continued

Remove WordPress generator from head source

I always recommend removing the WordPress generator from the source of your head. WordPress by default will include the current version of WordPress in the header. While this can be useful for knowing what WP version you are running compared to the current version available from WordPress.org, it can also give hackers and bots an … Continued

Remove Default WordPress Widgets

Depending on the type of website you run, sometimes the default widgets are useless to your purpose so rather than have them load everytime you access the widgets page, you can simply add this to your functions.php file. Obviously you can remove any from this list to keep them.

Change Excerpt Length In WordPress

Sometimes you need to change the default excerpt length in post or page summaries. WordPress defaults this to 55 and if your theme doesn’t allow you set this as a theme setting, add this to your functions.php file and set the value to your desired amount. In the example below, I’ve set this to 100 … Continued