Convert WooCommerce variation dropdowns into radio buttons

I had an eCommerce project where the client wanted to display options for their products as selectable radio buttons rather than the default select dropdowns. To achieve this, we need to write two functions: 1 will grab the selected options for the product, and for each variation available, write them to a radio button input … Continued

Add WooCommerce attributes Into Nav Menus

While setting up an online store for a client, we needed to list product attributes in the menu. To take advantage of showing the current page feature of the menus (to show current page as highlighted), I didn’t want to have to manually add custom links for each attribute. The client had 150+ attributes so … Continued

Rename Completed order status in WooCommerce

I had a task from a client to rename the default WooCommerce order status from the original to a custom name. The client wanted to rename ‘Completed’ status in WooCommerce, to a new status ‘Dispatched’, as once the order has been sent out, they wanted it a little clearer that it was sent, rather than … Continued

Changing WooCommerce Availability Text

Sometimes you may want to change the default text that WooCommerce states under a products availability. By default, WooCommerce lists products in stock as either ‘X in stock’ or only showing the message when you are running low on stock. These are set in the WooCommerce settings: WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Inventory -> … Continued

Prevent blurry Woocommerce gallery images after 3.3 update

Woocommerce has updated a few times since, but I ran into a confusion when trying to understand how a clients product images were looking blurry as thumbnails on the product page. The Settings -> Media were set to 300×300 The Appearance -> Customize -> Woocommerce -> Product images were set to 300×300 The themes functions … Continued

Redirect Woocommerce Multisite shop page to another URL

Here’s a snippet to switch a Multisite Woocommerce store from one store shop page to another.  Handy when you point your store Shop page to the main store from a subsite shop page.  You may have done this in the menu, but if you use breadcrumbs then this will still show the current site store … Continued

Removing Related Products from WooCommerce Single Product Page

Related products on a single product page in Woocommerce can be a great way to inform customers of other similar products in yout store. Sometimes however, you may need to remove them and here’s how. Adding this snippet to your functions.php file:

Make Woocommerce Products Sold Individually By Default

So one of my new personal websites sells virtual products where customers buy just one product at a time. I don’t need quantities and nor do I want quantity boxes on the product page or the checkout, there just no need for it. So there could be a way to bring in some jQuery into … Continued